Tuesday, January 20, 2015

An Oldie but Goodie

Berry Happy Raven

This is the very first bird I did an etching of.  It was the Fall of 2009.  I had finished a long bout of treatment for breast cancer and my hair was coming in. My husband and I drove to Hope, Alaska to go camping, take photographs, and enjoy the local music that is played every weekend at the Sea View Cafe.

Another activity we enjoy there is strolling down the little dirt streets and admiring the old log homes and other classic Alaskana artifacts filled in-between with Cow parsnip, fiddlehead ferns, and fireweed. It's rustic quaintness has a flavor of it's own.

During that particular visit, we walked past a log home with an attached art gallery called Sherritt Fine Art Gallery. 

Sherritt Fine Art Gallery in Hope, Alaska
As we strolled past we could see the owners, Scott and Fayrene, out front visiting with patrons and family around a fire pit. (Fire pits are very common near Alaskan homes, as they enhance the enjoyment of the very long summer nights.) We walked over and introduced ourselves and began to talk about one of my favorite subjects:  art.

Since they are "in the business" I questioned them about what shows they like to participate in. They told me about one in particular that is held twice per year and suggested that I dip my toe in the water and have a table at the next show.

Well, I got busy doing etchings of some of the photos I took and that is show that started it all for me. I'll never forget the people streaming through the doors early in the morning on their way to their offices. Right away, I started selling prints. People were actually buying my artwork!!!  It was exhilarating.  From that moment on, I was set free—free to create, knowing that people would resonate with the joy and love and humor that I put into my work. I was free to trust the process.

My husband, who likes to name my artwork, named this one "Berry Happy Raven."  Berry happy indeed.